Most people don't think of water as a nutrient but did you know your body is 75 percent water, that your brain is about 85 percent water and your blood is 90 percent water. Knowing that, how important do you think water may be as a nutrient. Water has a crucial role in your metabolism and your weight loss. Not only is sufficient water necessary for efficiently burning calories but a lack of sufficient water will reduce your bodies abililty to
efficiently eliminate waste resulting in a build up of toxins in your body. Toxin build up does nothing to improve your health.
efficiently eliminate waste resulting in a build up of toxins in your body. Toxin build up does nothing to improve your health.
Water is the most plentiful element in the composition of the human body. Without sufficient water, your body cannot properly perform most of the functions essential to life and health. You need sufficient water to digest your food, carry the food throughout your body to feed the cells of your body. Water is necessary for lubrication, for circulating blood and other body fluids and for regulating body temperature. Water keeps soluble minerals and vitamins in solution maintaining their bioavailability. Without sufficient water your cells cannot function properly, your energy system cannot function properly, your brain cannot function properly, nutrients cannot be taken up efficiently, you suffer tissue damage, joint damage and cardiorespiratory damage, compromise your immune system and the list goes on.
Pay close attention to this reminder! Many medications (especially certain medications for hypertension) have a diuretic effect depleting your body of water. If you are taking a medication that is diuretic, drink extra water. If you are not sure, ask your doctor.
After only 15 to 20 minutes of exercise you begin to lose performance if you don't rehydrate. Studies suggest that when we are in a dehydrated state, the brain must work harder than it does in a hydrated state to get the same results.
Adding to the negative role a lack adequate hydration from not drinking water as we should plays in losing weight and maintaining a properly functioning metabolism, thirst is often confused with hunger. Instead of drinking, which is what our body really wants, we eat to satisfy the thirst craving. You know where those extra calories go. Talk about sabotaging your weight loss.... Not only is your metabolism at low function when you are dehydrated but when you confuse thirst with hunger, you add more calories to those that already had your metabolism overwhelmed. The next time you feel those snack cravings, have a glass of water and wait 20 minutes to see if you were really hungry or only dehydrated.
Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water. If you wait until you are thirsty, you are already too late. Thirst is like the 'idiot' light on your car dashboard. When it comes on you are already dangerously low on oil. The same is true of your 'thirst' light. Moreover, as you get older your thirst warning light doesn't function as well; you become desensitized to thirst. The result is that most people are chronically dehydrated. Many of the health problems you suffer as you age, such as headaches, cramps, hyperlipidemia, joint pain; even high blood pressure can be alleviated or prevented with adequate hydration.
And remember, it is water and not just fluids that your body wants and needs. The physiological effect of drinking tea (hot, iced, sweet or unsweetened) coffee, juices (Please tell me you don't drink sodas to quench your thirst.) etc. is not the same as drinking plain, good quality water.
We all know the 8 glasses of water a day rule. For those who don't know, that is eight 8oz. glasses or 64oz. of water per day. For most people that should be considered a minimum. If you are active at all, a better rule is 1/2oz. for each pound of body weight.
A good habit to establish is to have one glass of water about 30 minutes before each meal and a couple of glasses between each meal. Have another glass in the evening an hour or so before going to bed. For the next day or two count the number of glasses of water you drink each day. Most will find that you are drinking no more than half the needed amount.
Thirst should be satisfied at all times with water. The more we pay attention to the body’s constant need of water the healthier we will be. Having a "dry mouth" is like ignoring the idiot light on your dash until you hear the valves rattling. This last outward gasp of extreme dehydration can easily be avoided by following the rules above.
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