- Fruit - about 1 medium whole fruit or ½ cup cooked, canned or fruit
- Vegetables - about one cup of raw or cooked leafy greens
- - ½ cup of vegetables with a higher sugar content like carrots and beets.
- Potatoes, pasta and grains - ½ cup or one slice of bread
- Dairy - one cup skim milk or yogurt or a 1.5 ounces of cheese
- Meat, fish or poultry - about 3 ounces
- Oil or salad dressing is 2 teaspoons
If you don't have measuring cups and spoons at hand
Twice the size of your thumb tips
about 1 tablespoon
Size of your fist
or a Tennis ball |
about 1 cup
A deck of Cards or about the size of the palm of your hand |
3 oz to 4 oz
Golf Ball or about 15 nuts |
1/4 cup
One hand, cupped |
approximately 1/2 cup